Cryogenics as an Enabler in New Technologies
December 5 (Thursday), 2024
11:30 am to 12:30 pm (EST)
Virtual via Zoom
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Abstract: Bluefors is a well-recognized name in the area of cryogenics used in information technology, in medical and life-sciences and for clean energy. It has been suggested that progress in superconducting quantum computing will depend considerably on advances in cryogenics. In this talk, Dr. Gunnarsson will go back to the beginning of the Bluefors story, and take us through Bluefors’ early innovations. Using Bluefors journey as an example, he will go through the important steps that were taken to make cryogenics an enabler for new technology.
Biography: David Gunnarsson is the Chief Technology Officer of Bluefors. He has been part of the Bluefors team close to a decade and leads Bluefors’ R&D/Engineering and Product development initiatives. He holds a Ph. D. from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2005, based on his work on the Josephson junction based qubits. After his Ph. D. he continued research at Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology (2005-2008) and prior to joining Bluefors, he worked as a Senior Scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (2008-2015). With his background in both microfabrication and cryogenic measurement infrastructures, he has a broad understanding of the future requirements in technologies requiring cryogenics.