Investment by Tokyo Electron in the new Tokyo Electron Technology Center Americas at the Albany headquarters of NY CREATES.

NYS Leadership announces major investment in new supply chain and equipment development with an investment by Tokyo Electron in the new Tokyo Electron Technology Center Americas at the Albany headquarters of NY CREATES.  This $600 million investment transforms the facilities and programs in Albany with a renewed focus on the equipment industry, supply chain interconnectivity, and technology excellence in metrology and product development.

Center of Excellence in Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology (CENN) a fully-integrated technology deployment, product prototyping, manufacturing support, and workforce training resource for emerging generations of integrated circuitry (IC).

NYS Leaders formally commit to the Albany site that is now headquarters of NY CREATES as the Center of Excellence in Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology (CENN) a fully-integrated technology deployment, product prototyping, manufacturing support, and workforce training resource for emerging generations of integrated circuitry (IC).