Hybrid Quantum Photonic Circuits and Quantum Frequency Conversion
December 15 (Thursday), 2022
11:30 am to 12:30 pm (EST)
Virtual via Zoom
Abstract: The ability to generate, detect and manipulate photons with high fidelity is of critical importance for both fundamental quantum optics studies and practical device applications. Quantum frequency conversion, in particular, is in great demand for bridging the carrier frequency gaps in quantum networks and hybrid quantum systems. Efficient photon-photon interaction for quantum frequency conversion (and other applications) is preferably done using nonlinear optical media, making it necessary to move beyond mainstream integrated photonic platforms. In this talk, Dr. Tang will present their progress in developing hybrid quantum photonics platforms based on nonlinear chi(2) materials and their interfaces with superconducting circuits for achieving efficient detection, generation, and manipulation of single photons as well as high fidelity quantum frequency conversion.

Biography: Dr. Hong Tang is the Llewellyn West Jones, Jr. Professor of Electrical Engineering, Physics and Applied Physics at Yale University, and is a Member of the Yale Quantum Institute. He obtained his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology in 2002, and has been a member of Yale faculty since 2006. His current research interests include integrated systems for quantum optics, photonics and nano-electromechanical effects, classical and quantum optomechanics. His group has pioneered the use of such devices to study photon-photon, photon-phonon and photon-spin interactions as well as quantum signal transduction. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering.