Trusted-Node Quantum Key Distribution from a CubeSat
October 13 (Thursday), 2022
11:30 am to 12:30 pm (EDT)
Virtual via Zoom
Abstract: This talk provides an overview of our current effort to fabricate, test and launch a 12U CubeSat to serve as a trusted-node, quantum key generation platform from Low Earth Orbit. A general background on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) with an emphasis on the BB84 weak coherent pulse protocol will be presented. A brief discussion of the mission and preliminary designs as well as the challenges associated with the creation of a low-cost size, weight and power (SwaP) limited space-based QKD system including the CubeSat and the required ground station will be discussed.

Biography: Dr. Mark Adams is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University. He earned his B.E.E. from Auburn in 1997, and started work in industry as an Electronics/RF engineer. Dr. Adams completed his M.S. (2000) and Ph.D. (2004) in electrical engineering with an emphasis on biophysics and nanofabrication at the California Institute of Technology. He then worked in the defense and biotechnology industries and founded Systems Visons LLC a small research and engineering company focused on electronics / photonics integration and packaging. Dr. Adams joined Auburn University as an assistant professor in 2014 where he founded the Sensors, Transducers, Optics, RF and MEMS lab.